Adult Stripping Flash

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Ah yes, there truly is nothing quite like the sight of a gorgeous nude female body - especially when it's suddenly just flashed to you, unexpectedly and totally out of nowhere. It's off of this whole idea and premise that Adult Stripping Flash is built off of. As far as games go, this one isn't going to exactly win any awards for any sorts of deep levels of interactivity - it's literally just done with a few simple mouse clicks. At the title screen, you'll be greeted with six buttons, labeled Strip one through Strip six. For all six of them, you'll be treated to the oh so hot and steamy sight of a drop dead gorgeous big breasted brunette babe wearing an outfit. What kind of outfit it is, well that all depends. Each of those different buttons on the main screen correspond to a different outfit for her. Some of them are more revealing, while others are much more on the conservative side of things. But with all of them, you'll all get the same sort of reward. Click on one of the strip scenes you'd like, and then you're able to click on her, sometimes several times, to strip her down. Depending on what she's wearing, things will be done in different ways - for instance, one of them she's wearing a long white shirt on top - she'll get dumped with more and more water as you click on her, causing her shirt to turn see through and allow you to get a nice view of all of the goods. Some of the scenes even have you able to do things one of two different ways - these choices will be offered to you on on screen prompts to follow. For all of them, some things will always be the same - when you first load one up, you'll have to click START in the upper left corner to get things moving, and then at the end, you can choose replay to replay the scene you just enjoyed, or back to main to bring you back to the main screen to pick from one of the other scenes in the game. It lacks in interactivity a little bit, sure - but it honestly works well for a XXX game anyways - lower interactivity means you have a free hand to... well, you know... while you play!

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