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Those of us who have been around for some years, and can recall countless hours of our free time spent in dark and dingy rooms illuminated almost exclusively from the glow of a CRT tube monitor of a wall of arcade machines will certainly feel right at home when they give ASSteroids a try. As you might have already managed to figure out from the name of it, ASSteroids is a steamy XXX take on the well known and often immitated arcade classic of Asteroids, but of course in a hot and steamy only for adults way! Instead of a space ship, at the lower portion of the screen you'll be instead controlling a dick. And instead of enemey aircraft, well, those have been replaced with drop dead gorgeous, fully nude, spread eagle blonde hotties shooting pussy juices at you! You'll have to avoid the pussy juice to succeed. Much like those early games of the 1980's, this game is pretty relentless in its difficulty level - that is, if you get hit even just one time, then it's game over for you! You'll need to be quick with your reflexes, both with your movements of your ship, and with the speed and accuracy of your shots (which are of course, big ol globs of jizz being shot out of the nose of your ship!) if you hope to win this tough as nails arcade style XXX game. Along the right hand side of the screen, there are a few numbers you'll want to keep mind of. Up at the top is your score - for each ship you take out and every level and wave you move forward, this will go up. Score is king in this game - get it as high as you can! Down in the lower portion of the right side of the screen are two more numbers - one for level, and one for wave. Each level is made up of several waves, and you'll have to clear each wave without taking any damage to be able to move along to the next level, all the way until you've run through all of the games levels.

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