Complex Society

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The Complex Society game revolves around a young man who has feelings for his landlady and roommate. The problem is, he's had to fight the feelings because, in his mind, they're abnormal. Who falls in love with their landlady? It sounds crazy, but he's smitten with her. He tries his best to distract himself with other women, and he focuses on his lifelong dream of becoming a professional e-sport athlete. Super Squash Brothers are his game of choice, and he hopes to become famous by playing it. While all of this is going on, he finds out that one of his classmates is in an unusual situation, and he needs to try his best to get her out of it.


79killjoy79 | 21 Dec 2023 01:53:56 PM

i know what they mean when the said do you know how hard it is to make a game

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