Dating my Daughter - Ch1

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In Dating my Daughter Ch1, you haven't been the best father in the world. You haven't seen your daughter in years. She has just turned 18 and now wants to see you again. You two have a father and daughter date, and everything goes great. It pulls at your heartstrings to know how long the two of you have been away. Now is your chance to make amends and try your best to work on your relationship. Will you go on more father and daughter dates? The answer to that question depends on how you play the game.


diegogarcia1990 | 23 Nov 2024 05:51:57 PM

quite good and engaging

keger91 | 21 May 2024 08:58:11 PM

how come the animations are blacked out the screen in dmd

Alphero0015 | 15 Mar 2024 05:17:22 AM


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