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In Savior, your scientist parents genetically engineered you because they were unable to have children. Another reason why they created you in the lab is that the world is facing great danger. Normal humans can't seem to find a solution to the problems around them. You must use the skills that no one else has to protect your loved ones. You will soon discover that you have powers that you never knew of. Use all of your powers and do whatever it takes to protect those you love. You might be called upon to sacrifice yourself, and if so, you must do whatever it takes for the survival of humanity. Developer: Purple Fellas Patreon Discord Useful Hot Keys: h - Hide text window and other transient dialogs s - Take a screenshot and save it a - Accessibility menu


jack123 | 06 Apr 2023 02:23:11 PM

i see

Nonamesleft | 23 Nov 2022 04:21:28 AM

amazing game cant wait for more

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