The Assistant

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In The Assistant, you're a middle-aged guy who lands a new job as a personal assistant. You work for a wealthy family who lives the type of life that most people can only dream about. Your personal and professional lives sometimes collide, and that makes for quite an interesting situation. It won't be long before juggling the two and creating conditions that make the gameplay anything but ordinary. Allow the game to flow and come to you, and the result will be learning how people in high society live their lives.


DmC10 | 28 Mar 2023 10:49:43 PM

excelente juego

orionsbelt495 | 05 Aug 2022 12:24:08 PM

i selected the ability to skip or jump over unseen text but there is no option in the game to skip or jump text

Mastergamer6290 | 19 Mar 2022 05:28:11 AM


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