Exploring the Depths of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: A Review

The Final Fantasy series has long been a cornerstone of the role-playing game (RPG) genre. It’s captivated millions of players since it was first launched in 1997.

Square Enix developed the series to boast memorable characters and more intriguing storylines that gamers were used to at the time. The gameplay mechanics have always been a bit ahead of their time.

In 1997, Final Fantasy VII came along and many people considered it one of the great games ever. A lot of this had to o with it’s futuristic 3D graphics and it’s sweet soundtrack and cool story.

So when Final Fantasy VII Rebirth came along, it had a storied history behind it and a whole lot of momentum.

In this review, we’ll explore many of the key features that make Final Fantasy VII Rebirth one of the dopest games.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: The Story

The epic saga of Cloud Strife, a former soldier turned mercenary, continues as he battles against the Shinra Corporation and the mysterious Sephiroth.

The story dives into themes surrounding friendships, identity, and even destiny. Characters often faces troubles that help them become who they are in the game. As players dive deeper into the mysteries of the game, they confront adversaries and at times, their own personal demons.

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth story is deep, emotional, and also features some unexpected twists.

The game also pays homage to the original but expands on the lore of specific characters and their stories.

The writing is top notch and helps keep you immersed.


To be blunt, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a visual masterpiece. Its completely awesome to experience.

The characters are all super detailed and lifelike. The streets of Midgar are bustling and the landscapes are scenic and breathtaking. There is a lot of attention to detail.

The lighting is another aspect of the graphics you notice right away. There’s realistic weather changes and the time of day transitions that add to the realism. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is smooth and immersive at every turn.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is known for its legendary music. Obviously, earlier Final Fantasy installations were reputable for their soundtracks, this one is no different. Legendary composer Nobuo Uematsu alongside a talented team of musicians created some amazing music.

Familiar melodies such as “One-Winged Angel” and “Aerith’s Theme” are reimagined with fresh orchestration, while new tracks seamlessly integrate into the game’s evolving narrative.

The soundtrack tends to adapt to player’s actions, which makes it all the better.

Where to Play

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available on multiple platforms.

This includes PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. All of these platforms offer the game’s cutting-edge graphics and immersive gameplay at a high level. Its a crazy cool experience. But it is a mature game with some violence and other mature aspects, so be aware.