Former Rockstar Dev Thinks GTA 6 May “Disappoint”

A former developer for Rockstar Games is spreading what some want to believe as vile hearsay.

The developer, Obbe Vermeij, says he thinks GTA 6, one of the most hyped games in history, won’t live up to expectations. At least, he thinks it could “initially disappoint some.”

Vermeij split from Rockstar Games in 2009 and has no experience working with GTA 6. But he did work extremely close with GTA 3 and GTA 4, so his thoughts aren’t out of no where. His experience includes the infamous Vice City, which is supposed to make a return in GTA 6.

In his YouTube interview, he makes it well known he has no inside info. He also says he’s really excited by what he has seen from the game so far. His main issue is that he isn’t sure that GTA 6 is all that much different from 5. And he feels this could strike some people who’s expectations are stratospheric in a negative way.

“I don’t think it’s going to be wildly different from GTA 5, I think maybe people might be a little disappointed on the first day,” Vermeij says. “But it’s still gonna be the best game out there.”

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Let’s keep things real: Some of this is obvious, right? GTA 6’s hype level is unprecedented and soaring at insane levels. There’s almost no way that some among us won’t take the opportunity to pretend they don’t like the end result. There’s also those who truly won’t be able to match their current hype level with the gameplay when it does launch. This is natural. So this prediction really isn’t anything overly riveting.

In other words, where there is hype, there is most certainly gonna be hate. And maybe some of that hate, or even all of it, will be rational and deserved. Who are we to say? We can only say it’s gonna be there.

GTA 6 is still set to launch sometime in 2025. A number of delays have people a little less confident in any actual launch dates, but given the expense in producing the game, we have to imagine it can’t go any further than next year. As mentioned earlier, we’re expecting as return to Vice City, which is where a lot of the hype has surfaced.