How Gaming Enhances Physical Skills, Coordination

There’s a common misconception that gaming doesn’t offer any benefits outside of entertainment. That’s by far not true! While things like gaming addiction are very real, there’s a lot of upsides to playing. One of those benefits can be coordination and a general improvement of other physical skills.

Let’s see how.

You’re probably already thinking, “who needs to get better at slaying zombies?”

It’s a fair question (sort of). First, don’t understate our society delving into some apocalyptic zombie takeover. Call us conspiracy theorists, but we’ve got canned beans in our basements, folks.

But that’s not the key takeaway. The big thing is that while you’re taking on zombies, you’re generally improving your hand eye coordination. And that’s an overall good thing. Coordination can be learned and improved through many tasks and then reapplied to many more tasks. That’s how it works.

This proves the point that games aren’t just for entertainment, they offer neurological benefits that manifest physically.

And we aren’t just talking out of our bums here. Nope. The science speaks for itself.

Gaming and Neurological Science, Benefits

A study on perceptual-motor abilities of progressional esports gamers compares professional and amateur gamers, highlighting significant differences in anticipation timing, eye-hand coordination, and peripheral perception, all critical for superior gaming performance​.

Another study on neurocognitive and motor perspectives consolidates various studies investigating the neurocognitive and sensory-motor effects of gaming, underlining how these activities can enhance cognitive processing and motor skills across different age groups.

Gaming offers enhanced cognitive flexibility. It improves our ability to switch between tasks and adapt to changing situations. Yes, gaming makes you a better multitasker.

It also helps improve attention and focus. Say what? This means better sustained attention and the ability to concentrate on complex tasks for extended periods of time.

And it helps with processing information faster by enhacing memory and spatial memory due to the way the gamer processes in-game elements and strategies.

Types of Games + Benefits

Different styles of games offer unique benefits.

Action games

These games offer a fast-paced environment that helps improve reflexes and hand-eye coordination because you constantly have to click to make very quick decisions.

Studies have shown that action game players often exhibit superior hand-eye coordination and faster reaction times compared to non-gamers, highlighting the physical benefits of these types of games​ (Frontiers)​​ (Human Kinetics)​.

Puzzle, Strategy Games

These games help improve cognitive benefits which enhance mental coordination.

Research indicates that players of puzzle and strategy games show improved cognitive abilities, such as better memory, enhanced problem-solving skills, and increased cognitive flexibility​ (Human Kinetics)​​ (Frontiers)​.

Simulation, Sports Games

These games often mimic real-life movements, improving overall motor skills through repetitive and controlled in-game actions. By simulating real-world activities, these games offer a practical way to develop and refine physical skills in a virtual setting. 

Obviously, we’re only lightly touching on the benefits these type of games offer people in the coordination and physical realm. But you get the idea. But the main point is that you can you can use specific game types to target unique types of physical needs. For example, first-person shooter games are great for reflexes.

Gaming Not a Replacement for Activity

Its very important that we say this. Unfortunately, the downside to gaming is that people tend to play them too long and too much. Gaming doesn’t replace actual exercise. You should still go for walks, job, do some jumping jacks, stretch and all the things we know we should do. Its important not to convince yourself that gaming is a replacement for physical activity; rather, it’s a great supplement for building coordination and neurological enhancements.

Gaming can be plugged into an already established healthy routine. Its benefits with coordination and the brain make it a great add on. The science continues to prove that gaming is more than just entertainment, when used properly, it can benefit people in many different ways.