Breaking Bad is one of the most popular TV shows in history. By many, it is considered a ground breaking series that inspired the likes of other popular TV shows such as Ozark and Better Call Saul. Given it’s popularity, it is no surprise that spinoff deals were the utmost priority for the show as it came to an end. One of these deals was almost a Grand Theft Auto installation.
For years, fans of Breaking Bad fantasized about a gaming version of the show. Oddly, but not surprisingly, so did the shows creator, Vince Gilligan. On a recent podcast called “Inside the Gilliverse,” Gilligan exposed his wild Breaking Bad gaming idea. He said that turning Breaking Bad into a video game was approached several times. But it was one idea that had him mildly stoked.
Gilligan wanted a company called RockStar Games to create a Grand Theft Auto style game for Breaking bad.
“I’m not much of a video game player, but how can you not know Grand Theft Auto,” said Gilligan. “I remember saying to the guys, that are off running Apple now, who said yes originally to Breaking Bad, ‘Who owns Grand Theft Auto? Can’t you have a module, can there be a Breaking Bad [game]?’ [It] still makes sense to me! That never came to fruition. There have been quite a few attempts at video games, some of them kind of made it to market. We tried to do a VR experience with the Sony PlayStation VR headset. We did a mobile game that lasted for a little while.”
Oddly, the deals fell through. Creating video games is an enduring and costly process that apparently caused Gilligan to feel icy. Given this major deal fell through, it appears less likely that a Breaking Bad video game will ever come to be. That’s going to break some hearts out there, no doubt. Maybe try your hand at some Breaking Bad porn game parodies? There probably aren’t any, but whatever floats that boat of yours.
None of this news will conclude the push to create a video game out of Breaking Bad. The fans want it. The gaming industry wants it. But you need Gilligan and AMC to feel its worth the overall energy and investment and that may prove way too much.
That said, there is always Grand Fuck Auto. That game runs hot with action and of course, the porn game element. Or try one of Steams top porn games. I don’t know, do something other than whine about Breaking Bad not adapting to the gaming industry for you.