Gaming and Eroticism: How Gaming Spices Romance

We’re a bit biased given we offer a selection of porn games unrivaled around the world. Ok, maybe that’s a bit of hyperbole, but we’re pretty good. That said, many people believe adult gaming is merely an excuse to look at online smut. But in reality, adults playing adult or mature games can fire up lust machine. But you’ll need to open your mind and the mind of your partner to truly experience it.

Why Adult Games May Increase Eroticism With Your Partner

There’s a wide variety of erotic, porn games online. Some are of the harder core nature that really, well, get to the point. Others are more of an experience.

Whatever the case, when a couple makes a decision to play porn games, they are thrust into a situation where they must communicate sexual desires. Now, let’s approach an obvious point here: A couple that’s willing to share an adult game experience may already be open to sexy talk. That’s fair. But for those who are less apt to discuss sexual desires, they’ll have to in order to select adult game titles.

But even in a case where a couple already talks about sex, they’ll end up further exploring their desires. They may even learn desires they never understood they had prior to scrolling through titles.

At its core, selecting a porn game means making a pitch about a sexual experience. In order to make that pitch, you must justify it with your own desires. And therefore, you communicate sexual desires to your partner.

Communication improves sex. Therefore, it would stand to reason that any activity which instigates sexual communication between partners should help the relationship. It doesn’t have to be gaming, but it can be.

Adult Gaming and Swinging

For many folks who partake in the ever-growing swinger lifestyle, making new connections is the essence of the experience. To swing, you must meet new people and vet them. But meeting new people can be a challenge. Interest in learning how to become swingers is rising. And there’s even a lot of reported benefits to swinging.

But alas, that doesn’t mean it’s not awkward to think about (at least, at first).

So wait, what does swinging and gaming have to do with one another?

Well, gaming is essentially a doorway, or conduit, for the swinger lifestyle. Because gaming offers superior connectivity between people all over the world, it lends an opportunity to meet new swingers, or throuples.

There’s an important distinction to make here: Mature, NSFW gaming interests doesn’t itself equate to swingers. Meaning, you don’t meet gamers and assume they dig swinging.

But when you find couples who share an interest in mature or erotic gaming experiences, there’s a possibility they’d experiment in the swinger lifestyle (at minimum).

When couples share erotic gaming experiences, it likely means they communicate about sexual desires together. And sex communication is a critical piece to the swinger journey.

Again, most of the time, adult couples playing erotic games together isn’t itself the swinger signal. But erotic gaming certainly opens the door to meet sexually free couples.

Beyond Swinging

Erotic gaming may help connect you with adults who share your sexual desires. It doesn’t have to be swinging.

Sure, adult online dating sites are central to helping connect people who have unique, or taboo desires for one another. That’s fair. But erotic gaming has one advantage: It’s not a forced interaction. You build the relationship through the adventure of the game. You connect. If that connection works, you build upon that. It can be dating in a reverse engineered fashion.

An example would be a person who is seeking a BDSM relationship, maybe a dom female. If she plays a multiplayer BDSM game, she’s likely to meet sub-guys.

Mainstream gaming notoriously offers dating opportunities for similar reasons. Many couples meet playing multiplayer games due to the shared interests concept. You both like the same game. That’s a start. And it likely means you share other interests.

So the next time you’re considering letting that freak flag fly, maybe consider popping on to some erotic online games. But not at work. We definitely don’t recommend NSFW games…at work.