Hello? Hell…o? Review: A Creepy Halloween Game Perfect for Halloween

The spooky time of year has arrived. You’ve picked out a costume (maybe). You’ve stocked up on candy (maybe, maybe). And you’ve decided upon your horror gameplay fun time on the night of (no, you haven’t, at least not yet). Our Hello? Hell…o? review gives you at least one spooky gaming option for the big night. In fact, it’s so scary, you might opt to leave the candy out for the trick or treaters to pick it themselves so you don’t have to get up.

That might be a bit much, but drama is our thing around here.

Hello? Hell…o? Review Guide

Hello? Hell…o? review

Created by Tyuuchi Tachibana, Hello? Hell…o? has you playing the part of a lowly guy who has become anguished by long, dull days. He lives in an apartment alone and his life offers little excitement.

The layout of Hello? Hell…o? appears simple and maybe even, uninspiring at first. But alas, things aren’t what they seem in the creepy Hello? Hell…o?.

The more you move about the entrapment of an apartment, the more you discover.

Hello? Hell…o? is an RPG horror game. And be aware, there’s not much disclosed in terms of what the heck is going on in the game. You live in an apartment, you’re freaking lonely, and your girlfriend passed away. Typically, you figure that out, but I helped you out (no, that’s not a spoiler, it’s the theme).

You are super depressed over the untimely passing of your girl. Hello? Hell…o? really pushed the depression aspect of this game as a set up to the ultimate horror theme. And that begins with a series of calls that have no one on the other line. Cheesy, been done, all that (but still fun).

There’s a sort of creepy, deadening silence when you answer the phone. Its decently well done and pretty fitting in terms of a horror storyline.

In some ways, as a player, you feel like the third wall looking in. It is pretty creepy.

In terms of the horror aspect, you should expect some pop up scares.

And finally, Hello? Hell…o? offers around 30 endings. So although one gameplay is fast, you can play over and over to achieve multiple endings. That said, be aware, when you get to the final scene, you can’t restart the game. You must clear the game 100% and then play again. No idea why they do that given the multiple ending aspect.


Navigating Hello? Hell…o?  is simple. Use the arrow keys and spacebar to navigate with the room.


The graphics are by far not the core component of focal point of Hello? Hell…o? review. But they do help add to a spooky environment and that’s all that’s needed. The graphics tend to exude a boxy, isolation vibe that helps feed the chills to the spine.

Hello? Hell…o? review graphics 2 Hello? Hell…o? review graphics 2


Hello? Hell…o?  is only available on Windows, sorry Mac bros, you’ll have to either leverage a Windows OS parallels on your Mac, or get a Windows machine.


Hello? Hell…o? is an RPG horror game that’s popular among the spooky gamer community. Its not graphically enhanced, but what it does offer fits pretty well with the creepy theme. Its easy to navigate and there are multiple endings, although, be aware, you must completely erase the game in order to replay it. We don’t get why, but it is what it is.

Have a bootacular time playing Hello? Hell…o?.