The New Razer Edge 5G Mobile Gaming Device a Game Changer

Imagine not being enslaved by “the cloud,” or a streaming service, when you want to mobile game. Well, if Verizon’s latest tease comes to fruition, that may be the future.

Verizon, Razer, and Qualcomm are combining forces to introduce the Razer Edge 5G, a 5G mobile gaming device that would sweep away reliance on the aforementioned third party services.

And that’s huge news, gamer bros.

The official “game changing” announcement took place at Mobile World Congress in Las Vegas this week. The handheld device will allow gaming without a cloud or streaming service. This is because, yeah, it will run off the 5G network.

Moreover, Verizon says you’ll be able to download games to your mobile device. This is big stuff, bros.

razer edge 5g screengrab

The teaser video is pretty dope.

The full reveal will take place on October 15th at Razercon.

The handheld gaming market is blowing up. Earlier this year, Steam was finally able to deliver it’s Steam Deck amidst production delays. So far, Steam Deck occupies that top spot among handheld gaming devices, but the Razer Edge 5G could certainly change that.

The ability to remove third-party players such as streaming apps and cloud services could lower the cost of gaming and moreover, make gaming more accessible.

The downside?

In our opinion, 5G still sort of sucks. Depending on where you are, 5G service can be spotty. So it’s unclear how reliable the Razer Edge 5G will turn out. That said, we expect a slew of evolutions in 5G networks both in reach and responsiveness. So the future most likely is in 5G handheld gaming.

There’s not word on whether Verizon will charge a higher fee for connectivity. We assume on October 15th, we’ll learn a lot more. Until then, get excited, mobile gaming is about to spin a few revolutions.