Best Oculus Quest Web Browser for VR Porn

One of the most popular questions we field here at Porn Games is, what is the best Oculus Quest web browser for virtual reality porn? And there’s good reason people want to know this information.

Let’s explore which Oculus Quest web browser works best for porn games.

What Is WebVR?

WebVR is a website that can be experienced in virtual reality. Unlike a VR game you download, WebVR sites are just like regular websites that you access through a WebVR browser.

This is important because by using a WebVR browser, you limit dreaded censorship issues. That’s because it is difficult to censor the web, yet, censoring things like game stores is relatively common. WebVR browsers make it possible for developers to create VR experiences and not worry about store or marketplace approvals, etc.

When you click on a WebVR site, the site either pops up as VR by default, you simply click the VR icon to switch the site mode to VR. The website then becomes a 360 virtual reality experience.

WebVR is javascript based and has APIs built in. This means you can use your Oculus controllers while on the WebVR browser site.

You can access games by visiting

From there, you’ll see game options. Obviously, you’ll need to know where porn games are located if you want to play those as they won’t be found here.

You can find games that you punch dots, or other fun ideas.

webvr browser games

WebVR browser options include environments. For example, you can hop on to a beach, or ski resort, and look around with full-360 range. In other words, a WebVR browsers allows you to explore a new world. This is done on 360 photos as well. Or, there are fantasy 360 worlds for exploration. There’s a lot of options in this space and it’s super exciting.

Some of the real images allow time progression. If you look back, time may reverse on the photo and look forward, the events of the picture progress. You can think of it like when you take a “live pic” on your iPhone and the picture briefly moves.

You can find a lot of good VR experiences on

vr browser sites

You’ll find a lot of cool VR website options to use in your WebVR browser.

WebVR browsing offers a new frontier of fresh web experiences. And the fact that its uncensored means a lot more fruitful VR options.

Firefox Reality – Why You Need it On Your Oculus

And there you have it. Firefox Reality is the best Oculus Quest web browser there is. So if you just wanted the simple solution, you can stop reading and begin downloading Firefox Reality.

But if you want to understand deeper mechanics involved, stick around.

Oculus Quest comes with it’s own browser. Facebook owns Oculus Quest. Moreover, Facebook has been embroiled in controversy for forcing Oculus users to leverage Facebook account information in order to use these devices. Facebook requiring Facebook account details to use Oculus has created angst and anger among gamers. In other words, people are super mad.

And rightfully so. Facebook doesn’t exactly have a squeeky clean reputation for the way it collects and handles personal data.

This leads us to issue number one: If you use the onboard Oculus browser, your personal Facebook account details are at risk of exposure to advertisers and who knows who or what else. This discomfort is worsened when we consider playing adult games. I mean, you probably don’t want your porn game habit tracked by the Facebook gods.

Regular Firefox is considered a top privacy browser. The same can be said for Firefox Reality, which is an extension of all the same anonymous-based browser experiences. Firefox Reality helps stave off advertiser tracking while you search and browse the web. If you use the Oculus default browser, the same can’t be said.

Mozilla’s VR browser supports WebVR successor WebXR. As a result, gamers can stream their virtual reality porn game fun via 180 and 360 degree perspectives.

Firefox Reality allows seamless desktop integration so long as you are logged into your Firefox account. This means your bookmarks on your Oculus appear on your desktop pending both devices have a logged in Firefox browser. Of course, you have the option to use Firefox Reality anonymously, in which case your bookmarks won’t display across devices.

Firefox Reality allows for voice search options. This is great for hands-free gamers.

You can also use Firefox Reality on HTC Vive. But you can’t use it on a PC.

Using Firefox Reality

Simply select it using your control. You’ll note that accessing Firefox Reality on your Oculus is the same as accessing Firefox on your desktop, except of course, its accomplished in a VR world.

firefox reality browser

You can select from tabs just like on desktop. You can choose private searching, or Mozilla logged in searching. You can select voice command search. You can scale the browser by selecting the dots on the edges. In other words, you can increase or decrease the browser size elements. You can also increase only the height or width, which isn’t a run of the mill option as most browsers scale in aspect-ratio.


WebVR browsing will offer a censorship-free gaming experience perfect for the VR porn vertical. By using Firefox Reality for 360 surfing, you’ll also better protect your personal data from corporations looking to collect and leverage your data.

Virtual reality sites and apps provide a massive amount of new options for both games and website and even image experiences. The future is here.