Celebrities You Didn’t Know are Hardcore Gamers

celebrity gamers

Many among us have an infatuation with gaming. That’s no secret. Gaming addiction runs rampant. But that’s neither here nor there. What we’re talking about today is celebrities who you probably didn’t know dig gaming.

A lot of celebrities use their rare downtime for gaming. And some for dabbling in the swinger lifestyle (hey, it’s Hollywood).

For a stressed out celebrity, gaming offers a unique escape. Why get a massage when you can dive balls deep into Mario Kart or Call of Duty. Gaming’s immersive appeal is exactly right for escapism and stress relief.

Here’s a list of celebrities who dig gaming.

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Sony Launches Incredible PC Gaming Displays, Headsets

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Sony is probably freaking out about the supply chain issues which keep battering Playstation production. Want a Playstation 5? Take a number, or buy an older version – that’s the way things continue to play out as major chip producers lag behind in production.

In what’s likely a result of growing concern over Playstation production, Sony is fast-tracking it’s PC gaming gear initiatives.

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The Gaming Community Reacts to Roe vs. Wade Overturn

gaming roe wade

Yesterday, the Supreme Court shocked (sort of, if you don’t consider the original SCOTUS leak) with news that it overturned Roe v. Wade. The ruling promptly shifts the responsibility of abortion law to the states, where 6 SCOTUS Judges ruled it belongs.

Of course, outrage over the decision ensued immediately in the form of protests and some riots.

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Your Essential Top Steam Porn Game List

steam top porn games

Steam is one of the world’s premier gaming destinations. With the launch of the new Steam Deck, the platform is growing by leaps and bounds with no end in sight.

We’ve compiled a list of the top porn games on Steam for your convenience. Unless you don’t like porn games, in which case, you are probably a liar. And we don’t like liars.

So stop with that and get to scrolling.

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The Last of Us Part 2 (Sex Scenes Revealed)

dina ellie last of us kiss

Mainstream video games consistently tow the line between their mainstream label and their treading into porn game territory. These games want to ensure they aren’t full porn, but they also want to put just enough in so they get hype reporting.

The Last of Us part 2 tows and flirts with this line. Yeah, there’s sex scenes in The Last of Us part 2. And we’ll explore.

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A Vampire, Multi-Player Game is Dominating Steam. Here’s Why.

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Steam is one of the biggest gaming platforms in the world. And yes, Steam allows porn games, so we tend to follow them. Unless of course, you’re Holodexxx (but alas, I digress).

There’s a new game that’s racking up subscribers in monumental fashion. No, it’s not adult oriented, but it’s popularity is pretty mindnumbing.

Continue reading “A Vampire, Multi-Player Game is Dominating Steam. Here’s Why.”