GTA 6 Patent Could Mean Incredible Immersion Experiences

Gamers continue to obsess over when Rockstar Games will announce the release of GTA 6. That release was rumored to happen now, or last week, but at minimum, TODAY. And yet there is still no indication of when the most anticipated game in history will drop.

But people can’t stop talking about the game, which is leading to more spillover anticipation.

Once such case involves a Redditor noticing a patent that could mean GTA 6 will leverage new technology that makes the game way more immersive. And its more than noteworthy to point out that this isn’t just any Redditor, rather, it’s former Rockstar Games lead AI and gameplay programmer Tobias Kleanthous. And thus, what’s being said carries more than a decent amount of weight.

Kleanthous says Rockstar Games issued a patent in April called “System And Method For Virtual Character Locomotion.” 

The document is long. And boring. Because, of course. But it’s also rather revealing of what could be an explosive new experience in the GTA series.

Kleanthous had this to say in his Reddit post:

“Based on this patent, it seems like they’re using a clever system. They’ve built a library of small building blocks for character movements. These blocks can be combined in various ways to create a wide range of animations. For instance, think about a character in the game walking in the rain, feeling tired, or getting injured. Instead of designing separate animations for each of these situations, they use these building blocks to put together the character’s movements naturally. This means GTA 6 can have more diverse and lifelike animations. So, when you play GTA 6, you’ll see characters moving in ways that match the weather, their energy level, and their injuries. This makes the game feel more immersive. It’s like having characters that can adapt to different situations, making the game world feel more real and thrilling.”

If true, the immersive experience in GTA 6 could be like nothing we’ve ever seen. The game could seem a lot more real.

There still remains no release date for Grand Theft Auto VI. So all of this only exist as part of the rumor mill until it doesn’t. But right now, GTA fans are super bored and finding ways to make time pass. Some of that has led to absurd speculation. However in the case of the Virtual Character Locomotion patent, it seems to be rooted in reality.

We’ll see.