Exploring Video Game Censorship and Regulation

Cancel culture is here. But make no mistake about it, it’s always been a part of our culture. And often, gaming has served as a centerpiece of censorship agendas.

Reasons for Censorship

There are numerous reasons as to why groups desire censoring gaming content.


There’s a long-standing debate about whether exposure to violent video games can increase aggressive behavior in players. Much of this has been disproven, but it has not stopped some groups from wanting these games censored.


Games may be censored to respect cultural norms and religious beliefs in different regions, avoiding content that could be considered offensive or blasphemous.


Governments may censor games that contain politically sensitive material, propaganda, or content perceived as threatening to the current political order.


Some argue for censorship on the basis that video games should uphold certain moral standards, particularly around issues like drug use, criminal behavior, or ethical choices.


Games might be censored or altered to remove content that could perpetuate harmful stereotypes.


Concerns about gaming addiction and its impact on mental and physical health can lead to calls for censorship or regulation.

Famous Historical Instances of Gaming Censorship

As mentioned, while gaming censorship may feel new, it actually goes back many decades. Here’s a couple of popular gaming censorship instances.

“Death Race” (1976)

Critics felt it encouraged vehicle violence. Death Race was the first game which upended the public’s perception of games as protests erupted. The result was the removal of the game from some arcades, but it was never fully censored.

“Mortal Kombat” (1992)

When Sega Genesis released it, critics felt it was overly violent, particularly in its display of death. Nintendo released a much toned down version.

“Wolfenstein 3D”

Faced censorship in Germany due to its portrayal of Nazi imagery, which is strictly regulated in the country.

These early instances of censorship highlighted the growing pains of an industry where polarizing debate would continue even into today. They also set the stage for industry structure that helps regulate gaming as we know it today.

Gamers and Free Speech

Free speech has always been at the heart of the gaming censorship debate and that’s no surprise. But there are many moving parts in the debate involving a variety of perspectives. players, developers, critics, and industry observers all play a role in public debate.

Gamers and free speech advocates often argue against censorship, viewing it as an unnecessary and overreaching. High-profile controversies like those surrounding “Grand Theft Auto” or “Mortal Kombat” are two modern games often at the center of public scorn.

There’s also a tricky balancing act involved in censoring anything. Critics often point out the inconsistency in censorship standards, with some games facing harsher scrutiny than others.

Online forums, social media, and gaming communities often organize against censorship agendas. Petitions, forums discussions, and social media campaigns can amplify gamers’ voices in the fight against censorship.

Smaller independent game developers aren’t always as capable in fighting against censorship making their journey much more arduous.

Censorship will remain a hotly debated topic in gaming. These debates contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the role of video games in society.