New Elden Ring Patch Stirs Excitement Among Fans

FromSoftware’s Elden Ring continues to dominate gaming sales. The action-role playing game published via Bandai Namco Entertainment logged 12 million sales in just over two weeks by the end of March.

In fact, for Xbox, the game was the highest grossing game in May. Not to mention, Elden Ring porn was quick to market by the web’s other side. That’s always a hallmark of success, you know.

That’s why any Elden Ring update is highly scrutinized. The latest Elden Ring update, which has big implications for PC desktop users, is causing a whirlwind of buzz.

The top upgrade in this latest upgrade is the “return to desktop” feature located in the system menu. Prior, you’d need to shut down the game and exit title screen in order to access this. This inconvenience was built into the prior platform and expected to either take time to change, or simply remain.

elden ringThe same oddity existed in Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition as it’s the same software.

Many gamers have tallied up quit a bit of signifigant time waiting for that title screen to shut down. And then, not to mention, the time wasted logging back into the game. And often, you’d get a message that you improperly shut down on the prior attempt and have to do it all over again.

Does it sound like I’m venting? I am. Yes, yes, I am.

But the venting, for now, seems over with the Elden Ring Version 1.05 upgrade. which resolves this frustration.

There are other Version 1.05 upgrades:

  • Your Bell Bearing gear makes it was to NG+.
  • More sound options when a player’s summon sign comes on screen.
  • Your ice spear doesnt’ allow for unguardable attacks.
  • You can do the Seppuku safely with your spear now (you won’t hurt anyone).
  • You can no longer reach Leyndell Colosseum, a move likely intended to help the future narrative of the game.
  • Improved screen mode shifting, no more lag.
  • Better resolution.

So yeah, the new Elden Ring update is pretty robust for a game that’s not heavy in the first place. This version seems its most substantial so far. Elden Ring will likely continue to dominate the gaming market well into fall.

The big takeaway is that you no longer have to endure shutting down for “return to desktop.” That’s the big story. And we’re sticking to it.

Keep gaming, friends.