What Is The Metaverse? Will There Be Porn? (Everything To Know)

Everyone wants a piece of the metaverse. Almost all big tech companies, most notably Facebook, are detailing their intentions to go metaverse hard. In fact, Facebook’s been condemned for misrepresenting their place in the metaverse (you know, they didn’t invent it like Zuckerberg pretended).

The metaverse is coming. But it remains, lots of people still have no idea what any of that means, or how any of it works.

Below I’ll explain what the metaverse is and where it might take us. Once we understand that, we can delve into how porn and the metaverse may work.

Let’s lend a bit of perspective, shall we?


There was a time – think late 1990s – when the Internet was just getting fired up. And by “fire up,” I mean to say slowly “dialed up” through services such as AOL. It could take minutes for your online connection to get started while you waited out the infamous AOL connection man.

Some of you may be old enough to remember these days.

For those not old enough to recall this iconic connection graphic, just know it could take minutes before you could officially pop online. And even then, life online was a slow, sometimes grueling experience. It was so slow, many people prefered going outside and talking to people (I know, that seems blasphemous today).

We all know how the tale of the AOL running man ends, though.

The Internet boom took hold in the early 2000s and over the course of a decade, connection speeds launched to stunning heights. Today, you can do near anything online that you desire, including have virtual reality sex in a porn game.  Think Holodexx for a specific experience. Even Keanu Reeves is considering virtual reality sex with you weirdos.

The point is, if you were alive in the 1990s and using AOL to look up information on former Presidents for an exam, you probably never imagined that you’d be having sex with Keanu Reeves some day (virtually, of course).

Context is everything.

The 1990s are here again, but this time, we probably have a bit more confidence as to where this train is heading. The problem however might be that we have no idea where it is stopping.

What Is Metaverse?

The concept of metaverse isn’t new. In fact, in the early 1990s, an author by the name of Neil Stephenson came up with the name in his book, Snow Crash. And his vision of metaverse was damn close to the mark as it featured a VR world built by way of 3-dimensional worlds.

But moreover, in recent years, the video game sector touched on, or hugged, or really, all out had relations with metaverse concepts. Take Fortnite and Minecraft as leading examples. These games feature virtual reality worlds which allow the player to become part of those ecosystems.

The metaverse is/will be a 3D world where a person can participate through a personal hologram. This world will be built using blockchain technology. There will be homes, restaurants, bars, concerts, neighborhoods, and more. Your personal hologram or avatar will be able to connect with other people’s holograms or avatars.

Let’s use a potential example.

You want to see your ex-girlfriend who now lives in London. You live in Chicago. You can’t afford a ticket to London, or you’re flatly afraid of catching COVID-19 on a plane. All the same, you opt to meet your ex-girlfriend at a metaverse bar. Where do things unveil from there? Well, that’s the beauty, we can guess, but we can’t know. If your Keanu Reeves, maybe that means metaverse sex. Or maybe you just catch up on old times.

The metaverse would more deeply connect society on a global front. As per the example above, you could meet up virtually with anyone, anywhere, at least in metaverse terms.

You could attend metaverse concerts and events. Artists like Justin Bieber are already throwing metaverse concerts. Don’t want to sit in bonechilling cold to watch your Packers play, maybe you can just attend the metaverse event? The NFL hasn’t went so far to say that’s coming, but we are reading the 3D tea leaves here.

Let’s get that freak on, folks.

justin bieber metaverse

Wild, huh?

You’ll be able to buy property, or lease an apartment, in the metaverse. Using cryptocurrency such as Mana, you can get all capitalist and starting owning shit.

If all of this is feeling uncomfortable, don’t fret, most of us normals are in the same boat. But again, you must lend perspective here in order to fully and efficiently digest metaverse as a concept. Think back to my example of AOL dial up. None of those people ever envisioned 3D porn, or precise mapping systems like Waze and Google Maps.

The metaverse is coming. Its here. And Mark Zuckerberg didn’t invent it (more on that below).

Will There Be Porn on Metaverse?

If we’ve learned anything about technology, its that porn has a way of finding its way into it. And that’s not just because porn companies look for ways to leverage evolving technology for monetization purposes, but also because people want it.

People want porn. They want porn games. So they’ll search the metaverse for porn whether it is there or not. So it shall be there.

When we look at companies such as Holodexxx, we understand the blueprint for virtual reality porn has a full head of steam coming into this metaverse ecosystem.

metaverse porn

Remember, in simpleton terms, the metaverse is Internet, 3D, Virtual Reality. Porn’s already engrained in the three pillars of the metaverse.

What Will Porn Metaverse Look Like?

Strip clubs, simulated dating experiences, and sexy neighborhoods, shall all become part of porn metaverse. Imagine being able to look out of your metaverse house window to see the sexy housewife alone at home sunbathing on her deck. It’s 2PM. You walk over. I think you catch my drift.

The metaverse amps up porn’s potential by way of dramatically increasing interactivity potential. Metaverse porn will be stunning and arousing, make no mistake about it.

You’ll also likely get to roll play with real adults located around the world. Maybe even women you already know who are away traveling, or simply don’t live near you.

Metaverse porn will connect you sexually with adults all over, or even the ones just under your nose.

Did Facebook Invent Metaverse?

Facebook’s bizarre connection to the metaverse is more than sheer luck or fortune, its coordinated. If we look at the strange, gut-wrenching video Mark Zuckerberg released, the title states, “The Metaverse and How We’ll Build it Together.”

Zuck is even renaming Facebook to Meta.

Clearly, Zuck implies the metaverse is just getting started and by Facebook. But oh joy, you’ll help build it out via your Oculus headset device and a cold transfer of as much of your personal data as possible.

But as we explained above, the metaverse already had its virtual wheels in motion long before Zuck swept in to take credit. And although Zuck appears to be some sort of robot himself, it remains, Facebook is just another company attempting to ride the metaverse wave to profit town. Not to be outdone, Microsoft has put their name in the metaverse hat as well.

But in short, Mark Zuckerberg didn’t invent the metaverse; not unless he invented the Internet. And we know he didn’t do that, so alas, we find our ultimate conclusion that Zuck played us. But don’t hate the player, hate the game, because he’s probably forever linked to the metaverse through branding and his initial PR flood.

Technology Building Metaverse

metaverse technology

I know, those trendy buzzwords, like “blockchain” and “crypto” and “NFT” sure don’t see so silly anymore, do they?

The metaverse will use a number of blockchain components to operate. For example, the cryptocurrency MANA will be used by people to purchase things, such as metaverse real estate. For another example, the cryptocurrency SAND will be used as the base technology for creating 3D rendetions in the metaverse. For another another example, NFTs will be used throughout the metaverse (see the NFT metaverse yacht that sold for half a million bucks).

The vast world that is blockchain will fuel the metaverse at every turn and corner. The metaverse is one reason why cryptocurrency continues to thrive. Investors are signaling they know where this is all headed. It is more writing on the wall that the metaverse is happening and will continue to evolve.

Will Metaverse End Domains?

One of the more curious debates over the metaverse is if it will dramatically devalue domains.

Let’s take a step back for a second.

If you own a good domain name, you might own a piece of web property that’s worth millions, even if there is no content on the domain. This can be the case with precious three letter .com domains. All of those names were gobbled up in the early days of the Internet.

That’s because domain names which are easy to remember help business find success online.

But what happens if people visit domains (websites) less because they opt to instead find the business on the metaverse?

If you want to look at a hotel for a potential vacation, you could type in the hotel’s website and look at their picture galleries. Or, you could toss on you Oculus and tour the hotel in its metaverse location.

The biggest savior of domains is that people need the extra device to interact with the content. But otherwise, there’s certainly an argument to be made that the way consumers interact with the Internet may well be changing.

Whether or not that devalues domain valuations or experiences remains to be seen.

The End

  • The metaverse is here, or it is coming, however you want to look at it.
  • Metaverse porn certainly will play a massive role in how things unfold.
  • Mark Zuckerberg did not invent the metaverse, he just likes pretending he did.
  • Cryptocurrency and blockchain will act as the foundation of metaverse ecosystems.
  • People of the future may visit metaverse destinations for products and businesses over traditional websites.