You Can’t Hookup With Doja Cat in Adult Game & The Bros Are Pissed

The House Party’s party might be winding down if recent events get too much worse. For those who don’t know what House Party is, read about the tragedy in our House Party review. But hey, even if you don’t know what the game is, you can keep reading if you so desire. Because this drama is hotter than the original game, bros.

House Party is an adult SIM style game. To grow, House Party created a Doja Cat expansion. The problem is, people hate it. And we mean, hate it, all the way.

house party doja cat

House Party is supposed to reflect the life and style of living in the 1990s. It should exude a bit of an edgy, funny, maybe dark lifestyle. Making decisions in House Party vastly change the direction of the game, which is normally a great thing.

Let’s keep things simple: House Party is a hookup game.

Several weeks ago, House Party expanded to a new version of its game where hip hop sensation Doja Cat uses her voice over talents in the game.

You can watch the video here:

Doja Cat is clearly excited with her new relationship with Eek Games. In House Party’s Doja Cat extension, you can interact with Doja Cat’s character.

But there seems to be one glaring issue. You can probably guess what that is. Gamers on Steam are bombing the Doja Cat House Party version with terrible reviews because you can’t have sex with Doja Cat. Because, of course you can’t. But these pervy gamers have a pretty decent point as the new game did suggest you could spend some savory time with Doja Cat. The game stated in its original PR that “an intimacy scene with Doja Cat in this Expansion Pack, if you hit it off with her. It is a Mature rated scene.”

But that ain’t happening. And the bros are ticked.

As well, they should be, who doesn’t want this?

doja cat house party

Here she is.

There’s a lot to unpack here.

First, a lot of gamers thought that Doja Cat, one of the worlds biggest rap stars, was gonna allow them to bang her virtual extension. Second, that House Party misled bros into thinking they were gonna get their virtual rocks off in Doja Cat’s virtual parts. We aren’t sure which of those is worse.

In truth, it is all a tragedy and certainly letdown city for a lot of horny gamers. At least they still have their free porn games.

That said, Eek games contends that House Party isn’t a porn game in the first place.

“That’s a misconception. The base game doesn’t have any “porn” in it. It’s ESRB rated M for Mature 17+. You’re probably thinking of our Explicit Content Add-On DLC,” one of their developers wrote.

What a disaster for Eek Games. All that said, bravo to producing a damn hot virtual version of Doja Cat. At least you all got that right.

Party on, bros.