Hackers Attack Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3; Threaten Data Leak

As if Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t have enough problems, now it’s under fire from malicious-intending hackers. At least, if you ask the hackers.  Polish based video game creator CD Projekt says that hackers have accessed their systems and now the hackers are blackmailing the company.

CD Projekt says that it will not negotiate in any way with hackers’ demands. CD Projekt says hackers accessed their internal, private network. They believe they encrypted devices and obtained some information from the network. The company claims that private consumer information, AKA gamers, are unscathed in the attack. In other words, the hackers accessed no consumer personal data.

That’s a good thing, so long as it’s true.

As it stands, the hackers claim to hold source code for Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3,  and Gwent.

The company says it’s restoring backups now and that their network is currently secure. It also says that IT forensic teams continue to investigate the situation.

Cyberpunk 2077’s hot sex scenes are all the rage. The game’s quality assurance, not so much.

Cyberpunk 2077 became one of the first porn games to break into Steam’s top sellers list last month.