What Will Metaverse Sex Be Like? Here’s Some Thoughts…

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The metaverse is barely here and already, some metaverses don’t want sex to happen. But it is unlikely that any metaverse gatekeepers will find ways to stop metaverse sex. That’s because, although Mark Zuckerberg makes it seem as though he’s the only option to a metaverse, he’s not. His vanilla metaverse ambitions probably do OK, but in the end, competition will push the cream to the top (yeah, pun intended).

So what should we know about metaverse sex? How will it change our world? Or will it?

So many questions. Let’s get to it.

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Samsung Just Threw The Lamest Metaverse Party Ever

samsung metaverse party

It seems as though it might be a difficult feat to throw a shitty metaverse party. I mean, if you want, you can allow your metaverse party guests to mingle with ancient dinasours, or play in a WWE ring (WOOOOO!!!), so it’s hard to fathom unhappy guests.

But South Korean technology company, Samsung, found a way to screw things up. Although, not as bad as Zuckerberg’s bizarre metaverse avatar debacle. Still, kinda bad.

Here’s how.

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You Caught Your Boyfriend Playing Porn Games. Now What?

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Maybe you walked in on him wanking it while a bizarre porn game was on his screen.

Maybe you saw the evidence on his mobile device, tablet, or computer. Mobile porn games are all the rage these days.

In any case, you caught him red handed porn gaming and now you don’t know what to do.

Here are some reasons why your man might be playing porn games and how you might consider reacting.

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The Top NSWF Nude Mods From Popular Video Games

kenshi nude mods

Are gamers creeps? Not all of them, but some of them. Maybe a lot of them. The gamer fascination with nude mods remains hot. If you aren’t down with gamer lingo, a mod is an addition, often unsanctioned, to a game’s scenery, story, etc.

Think of a game mod like you’d think of pimpy wheels on a car. The car you bought at the dealership probably didn’t have those wheels. You added them aftermarket. The wheels may or may not affect your insurance.

While some games offer nude or even porn game content, most don’t. Hence, gamers seek out nude mods to enhance their gaming experience. Some games have mods they support, other don’t. Most don’t when it comes to nude mods. No surprises there.

There are many nude mods out there, you just gotta know where to find them.

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The Undeniable, Surprising Benefits of Sex Games

The erotic industry is thriving, whether it’s virtual reality porn, or sex games, couples continue to push the envelope of sensual fun. A lot of the new push has to do more with couples looking to accelerate sexy communications than it does with perverseness. Sex games offer sustainable therapeutic value to couples who’ve seen their sex lives go stale.

Let’s face it, marriage and long-term relationships tend to burn out physical connection flames. This is a normal part of the relationship process. All couples eventually deal with it. And overcoming this sexual impasse is imperative to maintaining a fruitful connection. Divorce rates in the United States are over 50%. It is difficult to deny the role that stale sex lives play in this astounding, depressing stat.

The key to changing such staleness is finding new ways to connect.

Enter the benefits of sex games.

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FTC To Review Microsoft’s Acquisition of Activision Blizzard

microsoft blizzard acquisition

The gaming industry is changing by leaps and bounds. With more and more people getting into gaming and with the metaverse upon us, there appears to be no ceiling anywhere in sight.

As evidence of my point, look no further than two recent gaming acquisitions that rank at historical levels. As they say, always follow the money. Such a trail tells us everything we need to know.

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