The popular Netflix series, Narcos, tells the dramatic story of how the cocaine industry began to rise in Colombia back in the 1980s. Watching drug kingpins off one another makes for incredible television. Likewise, NarcosXXX the porn game, makes for some pretty decent adult parody gaming fun. Because, the porn industry never lets a mainstream opportunity getaway (just see Grand Fuck Auto as an example case).
Today’s NarcosXXX game review dives in deep, but not too deep as to get gunned down (hey, while NarcosXXX is sexy, it’s also incredibly dangerous, mi amigos). We are talking armed drug dealers, prostitutes and bribed policia. That’s a formula for life-threatening danger.
However, fear not, walking the thin line between sexual pleasure and taking a shiny bullet to the head can be rather exciting. My NarcosXXX review will look at the game’s script, graphics, and whether or not it’s can be found in our free porn game library.
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